Category / techniques

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  • Pattern Loop

    Virtuous cycle or vicious cycle? In Pattern Mode, it’s up to you!⁠ Each track of the USTA sequencer has 32 patterns of 16 steps each. By editing the First and Last pattern, you can choose the ends of your pattern loop, on the fly!⁠

  • Raw CV

    In this patch, we demonstrate how CVB can add expressiveness and dynamics to a series of musical events by controlling the scan position of the FUMANA.⁠

  • Edit & Performance Mode

    Composing and performing are closer than they seem – both in life and in USTA!⁠

  • Gate Colors

    Push the rotary encoders when any Gate layer is selected to switch between the gate colors.⁠ When blue, the encoder defines the time a gate stays high, from very short to an actual tie with the following stage, when green, the gate value determines the ratcheting number, when red, the gate is not generated.⁠

  • CV Colors

    Every CV value of every stage can be played in three ways: in the ‘Blue’ one, the USTA sequencer outputs the generated value; in the ‘Green’ one, USTA slides from the previous stage’s value to the current one; in the ‘Red’ one USTA skips the current value and plays the previous one again.⁠

  • Clock and Ratio

    Each of the four tracks of the #USTAsequencer can work at its own internal clock, or with a common external one.⁠ Once the clock is defined, you can select which ratio (multiplication or division) the track should run at.

  • Stage Vs. Gate

    Gate length or stage length? Are they the same thing? Not with USTA. If you are a little confused, fear not! This video explains everything you need to know about these essential concepts.⁠

  • CV, Gate, Length

    This simple patch explores the main features of the USTA: how to select tracks, how to edit CV, Gate, and Length – but most importantly, how to get your sequence running!⁠

  • Hold

    It’s time to push those buttons!⁠ It is true, we added buttons to FALISTRI and SAPÈL so that you can manually trig the envelopes or the S&H. But there’s another reason: if you hold them pushed, you can give to your patch a very dramatic effect by momentarily “freezing” it…⁠

  • Wobble Bass Effect

    IDEA ‘Why two gates per track?’ We’ve been asked this question quite often, and here’s one of the possible answers! In this patch, Gate A is in ‘Blue’ mode and trigs the…