Or: ‘How to be a sustainable company without lapsing into greenwashing?’
We honestly don’t know.
We understand that the production process we grew up used to is not sustainable at all, and we as a company feel like we must reduce our impact on the environment.
However, we also understand that every human activity, especially technological manufacturing, will always carry some carbon footprint.
In an ideal world, one should not be forced to choose between building instruments and, like, breathing, but that’s the reality.
While aware of this dilemma, we’re constantly testing new ways of compensating our activity, and this page is a sort of journal of our environmental path.
No one can be the ideal company, but we can do something to be at least a better one. Here’s a brief history of what we’re doing:
Our journey so far:
We know that there’s always more that we can do, and this page will likely update in the near future. If you have any suggestion on how we can get better at being more sustainable, feel free to drop us a line!