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‘Why two gates per track?’
We’ve been asked this question quite often, and here’s one of the possible answers! In this patch, Gate A is in ‘Blue’ mode and trigs the main VCA envelope. Gate B, on the other hand, is in ‘Green’ mode, and, through its ratchets, it trigs a second envelope, which changes the timbre of the oscillator.
Some cross-patching within #FALISTRI creates this simple, but effective, ‘Wobble Bass’ effect. The FALISTRI sound is an idea of our friend Giona Vinti and will be explored in the next IDEAS. Drums by Moog DFAM, reverb by Empress Effects.
- USTA 1
- CGM Channel 1
- CGM Group 1
- Reverb (Optional)
- Drum module (Optional)
- [First FALISTRI] Set the yellow generator to ‘Loop’ mode
- Set its time scale to ‘Short’.
- Tune it to taste.
- Set the green generator to ‘Transient’ mode.
- Set its ‘Rise’ and ‘Fall’ knobs to 11 o’clock.
- Patch the yellow generator’s EOR output to the green generator’s Trig/Gate input.
- Patch the 4QM out to the CGM Channel Input.
- Saturate the VCA to taste.
- [Second FALISTRI] Set the yellow generator to ‘Hold’ mode
- Set its time scale to ‘Long’.
- Set the ‘Rise’ knob fully counter-clockwise and the ‘Fall’ knob to 1 o’clock.
- Set the green generator to ‘Transient’ mode.
- Set its time scale to ‘Long’.
- Set the ‘Rise’ knob to 10 o’clock and the ‘Fall’ knob to 1 o’clock.
- Patch the yellow unipolar out to the CGM Channel’s VCA CV input.
- Patch the green unipolar output to the first FALISTRI’s green V/oct input.
(In this way, the yellow envelope will control the VCA, while the green one will shape the timbre of the oscillator). - Patch the CV A output of USTA’s Track 1 to the first FALISTRI’s yellow V/oct input.
- Patch the CV A output of USTA’s Track 1 to the second FALISTRI’s green V/oct input.
- Patch the CV A output of USTA’s Track 1 to the second FALISTRI’s yellow Trig/Gate input.
- Patch the CV A output of USTA’s Track 1 to the second FALISTRI’s yellow Trig/Gate input.
- Set GT B color to ‘Green’ and set the ratchet value per stage to taste.
(With this configuration, USTA’s CV A controls the melodic line, GT A trigs the main VCA envelope, GT B trigs the modulation envelope, and CV B shortens its length accordingly.)