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- Clock and Ratio
Let’s dive a little bit more into the time domain! Each of the four tracks of the #USTAsequencer can work at its own internal clock, or with a common external one. Once the clock is defined, you can select which ratio (multiplication or division) the track should run at: polyrhythms are literally at your fingertips…
- 1 USTA
- 1 FALISTRI or SAPÈL (or any other clock generator)
- Set up the USTA as described in Cv, Gate, Length.
- Push the Navigation Encoder to access the Track Menu.
- Scroll to the ‘IntBPM’ menu item and push the Navigation Encoder once again to change the track BPM (it will affect the current track only!). Push the encoder once again to apply the changes.
- Now select the ‘Ratio’ menu item, push the navigation encoder, and explore different clock divisions or multiplications.
- Patch an external clock signal to the ‘Clock’ input.
- Access the Track Menu, scroll to the ‘ClockSource’ menu item and select ‘External’.
(Now the selected track is playing to an external clock, but the ratios are still effective!)