Tag / usta

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  • Sidechain bass with the USTA sequencer!

    You might already be familiar with the FALISTRI+321 sidechain technique, but sometimes it may happen that you just ran out of envelopes. That’s what happened to us, so we tried this workaround using USTA’s CVB and… It works great!

  • Polyrhythmic Patterns with USTA and FALISTRI

    Today’s challenge taught us an excellent way to enhance a polyrhythmic experience: use two streams of gates to create a fake analog AND through FALISTRI’s four-quadrant multiplier!

  • Fake 808!

    We faked a 808-type bassline with USTA, FALISTRI, BRENSO, and the CGM

  • FUMANA Beats and FALISTRI Formant Riffs

    A formant filter usually has three resonant bandpass filters with adjustable frequencies. FUMANA does not resonate and its filters have fixed frequencies. But it doesn’t know! Let’s try to see where we can push it.

  • Fake 303!

    We faked a 303 acid sound with USTA, BRENSO, FALISTRI and the CGM mixer

  • Exploring USTA

    This is a workshop on the USTA sequencer. According to the participants’ request, we’ll cover a wide variety of topics related to the sequencer, such as play modes, specific functions, interaction with other modules, and best practices. Suits experienced users, fresh new owners, and even non-owners!

  • Exploring USTA

    This is a workshop on the USTA sequencer. According to the participants’ request, we’ll cover a wide variety of topics related to the sequencer, such as play modes, specific functions, interaction with other modules, and best practices. Suits experienced users, fresh new owners, and even non-owners!

  • Modular Expressiveness ep. 4: Ornaments with the USTA sequencer

    This time we’ll discuss about the most flamboyant way of adding expressiveness to our piece: grace notes, acciaccaturas, mordents, trills, and any kind of musical embellishment!

  • A polyphonic and polyrhythmic patch with USTA, FUMANA and FALISTRI

    Today’s random picks forced us to build a patch on FALISTRI’s quadrature mode. It is a special envelope chain where an envelope’s stage trigs another envelope’s stage when it ends.

  • We used FUMANA’s Unvoiced Input to add some extra vibes

    We picked three more random Techniques and improvised a patch from scratch! This time, they lead us to the Unvoiced Input, which is something that we tend to overlook on the FUMANA.