We always showcased the stage shift function with a random S&H in sync with the current track.⁠

Now we play with different ratios: when the track is faster than the stage shift CV, USTA will play some sequence fragments before shifting again!


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Un post condiviso da Frap Tools (@fraptools)


  • 1 USTA
  • 1 SAPÈL
  • 1 BRENSO
  • (Optional) CGM


  1. Set up a USTA patch with SAPÈL as external clock. In this video, we used the same as in Stage Shift Probability #2. Make sure that Track 2’s ratio is 1:1.
  2. Patch SAPÈL’s S&H output to USTA’s CV A input.
  3. Enter Track 2’s menu and scroll until the Stage Shift voice. Assign it to CV A input.
  4. Set track 2’s ratio to 1:2 or higher.
    (Now the stage shift CV is slower than the sequence. You will hear that between two different CV, USTA will play short sequence fragments from the shifted stage onwards.)