We usually think about sine waves as the purest sound and noise as the dirtiest. What if we use them together?⁠

In this patch, we used SAPÈL’s blue noise to do some thru-zero FM over BRENSO’s yellow oscillator. By controlling the FM deviation through an LFO we’re able to bring the noise in and out and obtain a soothing seashore effect. 🏖


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Un post condiviso da Frap Tools (@fraptools)


  • 1 SAPÈL
  • 1 BRENSO
  • 1 USTA


  1. Patch BRENSO’s yellow sine to your favorite output section.
  2. Patch SAPÈL’s blue noise out to BRENSO’s yellow linear Through-Zero FM input and adjust the attenuator to taste.
  3. Set up one of FALISTRI’s generators to Loop and its time scale to Long, then adjust the shape to taste.
  4. Patch the bipolar output to BRENSO’s yellow Deviation CV input and adjust the modulation to taste.
  5. (Optional) Set up a nice sequence on the USTA sequencer!