Pick random notes, but only among those YOU defined! With the Stage Shift function, USTA will use any external CV to pick other notes from the pattern than the ones associated with the stage. The cool part is that the rhythmic structure of the Length layer will stay the same!


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Un post condiviso da Frap Tools (@fraptools)


  • 1 USTA
  • 1 SAPÈL
  • 1 321
  • CGM (Optional)


  1. Set up both FALISTRI’s in the basic USTA patches for tracks 1 and 2 (like here).
  2. Program two sequences, one per track.
  3. Patch the output of any channel of the 321 to USTA’s CV A input.
    (Make sure that the offset switch is on!)
  4. Select Track 1, then enter the Track Menu. Scroll until Stage Shift, and assign it to CV A.
  5. Move the offset knob on the 321.
    (This will shift the stage CV values, without affecting the rhytmic structure defined by the Length layer.)
  6. Experiment with different CVs.