Ok, this is a little risky… Instead of using the group FX section, try to patch the FX return to another channel, and then play with this channel’s FX send. You’ll create a very dangerous feedback loop that can also provide some gentle overtones! If you have a QSC, you can even achieve this without a group by using its internal FX mono output.


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  • CGM
  • BRENSO (optional)


  1. Patch any of BRENSO’s outputs to a CGM channel.
  2. Patch a CGM effect send to the reverb (either from the QSC or the Group)
  3. Patch the reverb return to another CGM channel.
  4. Rotate BRENSO’s effect send knob to wet the signal.
  5. Rotate the effect send knob of the reverb’s channel to create a feedback loop.