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- Accents #1
Add some dynamics to your patterns through FALISTRI’s MAX out! This patch uses both SAPÈL’s clocks: the main one provides the steady pulse by triggering FALISTRI’s green envelope, the random one trigs the yellow envelope which adds some extra accents: the two envelopes are blended through the MAX output.
- (First FALISTRI) Set both generators to ‘Transient’ mode.
- Set their Time Scale switch to ‘Long’.
- Set both generator’s ‘Rise’ knobs fully counter-clockwise.
- Set the yellow generator’s ‘Fall’ knob to noon.
- Set the yellow generator’s ‘Fall Shape’ knob fully clockwise.
- Set the green generator’s ‘Fall Shape’ knob fully counter-clockwise.
- Set the green generator’s ‘Fall’ knob to 11 o’clock.
- Set the green generator’s ‘Fall’ knob to 11 o’clock.
- Patch the green EOF out to SAPÈL’s clock input.
- Patch SAPÈL’s main clock output to the green generator’s ‘Trig’ input.
- Patch SAPÈL’s random clock output to the yellow generator’s ‘Trig’ input.
- Set SAPÈL’s random clock to ‘Less Than’ mode ( < ).
(Now SAPÈL trigs the green section of Falistri at a steady pace, while randomly triggering the yellow one.) - Set the yellow attenuverter fully clockwise
- Set the green attenuverter to 3 o’clock.
(In this way the green generator will have an exponential fall for a snappier tone, while the yellow one will provide some random “fatter” envelopes.) - Patch the MAX output to the first input of the second FALISTRI’s 4QM.
- (Second FALISTRI) Set the green generator to ‘Loop’ mode.
- Set its Time Scale switch to ‘short’ and adjust the ‘Rise’ and ‘Fall’ knobs to taste.
- Patch the 4QM out to your favorite output section.
(Now its amplitude will be controlled by both the first FALISTRI’s envelopes: the green one will provide a steady pulse, while some random envelopes coming from the yellow generator will noticeably increase the amplitude, thus providing accents.)