There are many ways in which a musician can combine two audio sources to get new sounds that are widely different than the original ones. FALISTRI wasn’t born as an oscillator; nonetheless, it allows this kind of experiment, and much more.

In this patch, we cross-modulate the two generators to achieve rich timbres that resemble two oscillators in sync, with smooth and fluid sweeps.

We use a single track of the USTA sequencer to control the melody, the rhythm, and the “sync sweep,” thanks to the Raw Voltages in Slide mode.


  • 1 USTA
  • 1 333
  • CGM (Optional)
  • Reverb (Optional)


  1. Set the yellow generator of the first FALISTRI to ‘Loop’ mode and its time scale to ‘Short.’
  2. Set the green generator to ‘Transient’ mode and its time scale to short.
  3. Patch the yellow EOC to the green Trig/Gate input.
  4. Adjust their frequencies to taste.
    (You will start hearing some sync-like effects.)
  5. Patch the bipolar outputs of both generators to a section of the 333 module.
    (By doing so, both the ‘Master’ and the ‘Slave’ oscillators will be heard, thus providing a fatter sound.)
  6. Patch the 333 section output to a channel of the CGM, or your favorite output section.
  7. Set up a sequence using the CVA channel of USTA’s Track 1.
  8. On the same track, insert some values in the CVB channel and set all the gates to the Green color.
  9. On the same track, set the GTA channel to the desired values.
    (This will create a sort of LFO synced to the individual notes).
  10. Patch Track 1-CVA output to the yellow generator’s V/Oct input.
  11. Patch Track 1-CVB output to the green generator’s V/Oct input.
  12. Set the yellow generator of the second FALISTRI to ‘Hold’ mode and its time scale to ‘Long.’ Adjust the ‘Rise’ and ‘Fall’ knobs to taste.
  13. Patch Track 1-GTA output to the Trig/Gate input of the second FALISTRI’s yellow generator.
  14. Patch its unipolar output to the VCA CV input of the CGM Channel.