In this patch, we’ll use the yellow envelope to control the decay of our kick drum. By inverting the envelope and adding an offset (with the 321), you can use it to sidechain other sounds (such as the bass, or the reverb). But what if you want to control the response time of the sidechain control? Correct, the slew limiter output!


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Un post condiviso da Frap Tools (@fraptools) in data:


  • 1 USTA
  • 1 321
  • 1 FUMANA (optional)
  • 1 333 (optional)
  • CGM


  1. Set the first FALISTRI to the Kick Drum patch.
  2. Patch its 4QM output to the first CGM channel.
  3. Program the kick drum sequence on USTA’s Track 1.
  4. Patch the Gate A output of Track 1 to the first FALISTRI’s yellow generator: it will trig the kick drum.
  5. Set up a basic USTA patch as described in Cv, Gate, Length, and program a bass line.
  6. Patch the second FALISTRI’s 4QM output to the second CGM Channel.
  7. Patch the first FALISTRI’s slew limiter output to any of the 321 channels.
  8. Invert the slew limiter voltage with the Ø switch.
  9. Apply a positive offset.
  10. Patch the 321 section output to the VCA CV in of the second CGM Channel.
  11. Adjust the ‘Fall’ level of the first FALISTRI to control the sidechain release time.
  12. Adjust the Gain level of the 321 section to control the sidechain amount.
  13. Patch it to different VCAs of the mixer for different effects!